102 – Immersive technology, gaming, and artificial intelligence in re/creating and re/presenting South Asia
With the proliferation of technology throughout South Asia and the expansion of internet
access to even the most remote regions of the subcontinent, South Asia has undergone
extensive digitisation, altering everyday life. A growing area within this digitisation
project is the use of immersive technologies (VR, AR, and CAVE), gaming, and artificial
intelligence (AI), which we label ‘emerging technologies’. This panel asks, how are
emerging technologies being utilised to re/create, re/circulate, re/present, and
re/conserve South Asian histories and cultures?
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
● How are emerging technologies used to recreate historical sites and events,
offering new ways to engage with South Asia’s past.
● How do emerging technologies find new ways of bringing South Asian stories,
folktales and narratives to life?
● How do the integration of immersive technologies in museums and educational
settings enhance learning and accessibility?
● What are the challenges and opportunities in balancing authenticity and
innovation in education, arts, and culture?
● How do emerging technologies collapse our sense of space and time?
● What are the methodological challenges and solutions for studying the use of
emerging technologies?
We solicit papers using a variety of methodological approaches, including but not limited
to, ethnography, visual anthropology, heritage studies, performance studies, education
studies, ritual studies, and religious studies and a variety of case studies, including but
not limited to, “Raji: An Ancient Epic”, “Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India”, and “Google
Arts and Culture”, and “GitaGPT”.